What I Did On My Birthday... (go back »)

May 17 2008, 12:53 AM

IRON MAN was INCREDIBLE!!! I loved it! Every Fucking Second!! People if you don\'t go see Iron Man, I will hunt you down and beat you with my paddle brush! Anyways, Robert Downey Jr. was unbelievable. ?He is Tony Stark...?because the fact he was a drunk himself. ...and an addict but all that has changed. He came back! Woohoo! Some are so amazed that I actually admire him. Why? Sure he fucked up a couple of times...okay, several times but he made up for it. He struggled and fought and look where he is now! Everyone deserves another chance... Well, some people deserves more chances. So rock on, RDJ, rock on. I love you dude! Oh yeah, everyone should or HAS TO stay until the ending credits. You will be amazed and be waiting anxiously for the sequel \'cause there is gonna be a sequel people. GO OUT AND SEE IT!!!
My buddy Lucy took me out to go and see it for my birthday. She then took me out to eat at Dallas BBQ. *licks lips* DELICIOUS. I went there a couple of times with my sister and Noel but I never really had a chance to hang out with Lucy so I was glad. She got me a burger, medium rare which is my fav and we had fun talking about RDJ, Iron Man, School and Life. I really missed hanging out with my buddies. Hopefully we\'ll get to hang again. But yeah, the ending of my birthday was with a small ice cream cake with my lovable huggable familia and playing around with my new external hard drive (500 GB...it wins at Life). I got a pair of new pjs too. Yellow isn\'t my color but hey, no one else is gonna see me in it so I appreciated it.
Yesterday I got two new books for read so I don\'t have to re-read Edward and Bella again. It\'s not that I don\'t like them anymore or anything like that but I don\'t wanna wear them out. Staked which is kinda like an adult book (adult meaning curses, sex, blood and a very pissed off vampire) and the other is the continuation of Amelia AtWater-Rhodes\' book Hawksong, Snakecharm. It\'s really good and I really missed reading her books so I had to buy it with the money my Grans gave me. I\'m reading Staked first which is going pretty good. It isn\'t a romantic book and it has more blood,sex and gore then I usually read about so this is a stretch for me. I like it though and I will be reading this for future references. I\'m writing my internship paper now which is not good...yes, naughty me.. very naughty me. I don\'t mind as much. I have always be anal about my school work but for some reason, I\'ve been very mellow. Sloth is taking over my body...as well as Vanity which IS A MAJOR STRETCH FOR ME. Believe me though, the Vanity thing isn\'t that serious. I just been sexying myself up a bit more....unless I\'m really really tired which then means going back to my bummy self. Okay, that\'s it for now. I shall bug you peoples laters. Bye biatches!

In Just Another Day


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